Caution: “Beauty and hygiene go hand in hand.”

The face is the most comprehensive part of the human body and deserves attention and protection. Being significant is not directly related to being delicate, but when the focus is on one’s face, then yes, the relation is linear. Your face deserves to be beautified with the best cosmetic products using the best cosmetic tools.

Not just that, clean makeup equipment also holds subtle importance in one’s beauty needs. Keeping your makeup tool is also emphasized by the brush manufacturers and cosmetic sponge manufacturers. This is also argued that if a brush or sponge gets damaged by washing it too often, the quality of that particular tool is just not worth it. Talking of quality, you must always get a good quality sponge that works well and suits the edges and corners of your face, while for the brushes, I would recommend to always choose a brush with natural bristles.

Cleaning your makeup tools

Coming back to the topic, let’s discuss how to clean your sponges. While you might be cleaning it by surface washing daily after using it. The fact is that you are not really cleaning it, you are just getting rid of the makeup layer that you just placed on it. The bacteria and likewise germs are still there, living in it peacefully. So if you’re getting acne problems with your skin, that is pretty justified. It is an indisputable fact that dirt phones and facial tools are the gateways for bacteria and other germs to attack the skin of a human being. For your makeup tools, the hygiene solution is just as simple as keeping alcohol pads in your purse. 

So, how to wash that sponge? A complete process

You would need to draw your sponge in warm water and squeeze it to get the makeup products out of it. Then you can take soap or any handwash in your hands and make foam. Then take your sponge and rub it against your hands so that the handwash can reach every inch of the makeup sponge inside out. If there is a need to squeeze the sponge, you should do it. Then rinse the sponge with water until it cleans up and set it out to dry or use a towel to dry it.
